
     Tonight was PNW's Hispanic Heritage Festival. I volunteered to work the festival for my history professor Wendy St. Jean. At 9:30 am I arrived at her class, ready to make my poster which involved fun facts about Cuba! In fact if you attended the event, you might have even seen me running around wearing a Cuban flag like a cape! I am a history major who mostly studies Cuban history so I am pretty passionate about the country.

    However, my presentation wasn't what made the festival golden for me. It was the chaotic planning of Professor St. Jean, and my friends and I running around not knowing what the hell was going on. We didn't even end up setting up our presentations throughout the chaos. Today I got to spend over 12 hours with my classmates and I had possibly one of the most fun days of my life. Everyday of the week I look forward to Professor St. Jean's class as she is genuinely the most chaotic good professor I have experienced. Her methods of teaching are wacky and fun, I highly recommend taking her if you ever have to take a history class.

    I think overall though, despite the chaos in our area of the festival, the festival seemed like a total success. Everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves, and I even was able to hold a few conversations in Spanish which is a language I cannot speak well despite being a Cuban history student. While I would have loved to experience the whole festival, some of my friends did eventually get anxious and we ended up leaving early to go watch Gordon Ramsay Uncharted, but we did go back to help with the clean up after the festival cleared out. 


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