Post Quarantine Mental Health???
When I started college I was fresh out of high school and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I found it hard to participate in my classes and ultimately ended up dropping out. After sitting out for about a year, I decided I'd finally go back. My first semester returning to school was Spring of 2020. It started off great, I felt like I was accomplishing a lot in my schoolwork and doing well in my classes. However in March, the pandemic hit, and shifted all classes into online courses.
While in high school I was never much of a social person, I have found that after returning to college, I have become a relatively socially active person. I find it much easier for myself to make friends and interact with others whereas before I struggled with that. I was really starting to make a lot of new friends in my Spring 2020 semester, when all of the sudden I had pretty much lost every connection I made because of the pandemic. Throughout the pandemic I struggled hard in my classes. I am a hands on learner, and am easily distracted when I am not in a classroom. However, I managed to survive through it.
When I learned that classes this semester were returning to in-person, I was actually excited to go back to school. I was probably the only person ever to be excited about going to school. So far this semester I have met some really enjoyable people, and I hope to meet more along the way. While most of my high school friends are graduating this coming spring, I might not be able to say the same for myself, however I know that I can say that so far I have enjoyed most of my college experience, and hopefully we are able to contain COVID enough to prevent another quarantine.
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